lunes, 8 de junio de 2015

Drugs in Families

A drug is any chemical you take that effects the way your body works.  Alcohol. Caffeine, aspirin & nicotine are all drugs. Now at these days, the drugs are consumed a lot, especially are more consumed by teenagers. The drugs affects not only to the ones who take it, the drugs also affect all the family. The drugs destroy the family from inside and later the family will be completely destroyed.  There are different types of drugs like: simulants, depressants, hallucinogens, etc.. As a family, we should stop and teach the teenagers the consequences of the uses of drugs.

For example, if a teenager is addicted to drugs there are going to be consequences to the whole family because the parents will be searching a way to handle the problem and the parents are going to argue trying to blame one of the both.  The teens are going to continue taking drugs while the parents will be crying and trying to solve the problem. Normally, this types of problems starts because the family is unstable or the teens need attention & they don’t have the attention that is needed because usually the parents are not in home or they are arguing. Another of the main reasons why the teenagers use drugs is because of bad friends. The teenagers want to be accepted in a social group, so they will do whatever is necessary for be part of that social group.

How can we solve the problem? First, we need to teach the teenagers since they are kids, so they will know what are drugs, but we need to teach them the causes & the consequences of using drugs. Also the families need to be more closer and to give more trust to their children & they need to show that their children can have trust with them. When a teen makes a mistake the teens need to know that they can trust in the family, but to achieve that the families need to show them that the mistakes are normal. Is really important that the families need to give the teenagers secure that they can trust in them.

To conclude my best advice is that the families should be more closer between them and they need to show more trust to the children. Is the only way to prevent the use of drugs. 

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